Magnetic Drum Brakes |
Class 5010 Type F, Magnetic Drum Brakes

Class 5010 brakes are spring set, electrically released, drum type friction brakes which are used with either AC or DC motors. Series Brakes are used as holding brakes on DC series motor drives, crane hoists, mill drives, and transfer cars. Standard Shunt Brakes are used as holding or stopping brakes on DC reversing drives such as crane bridges or trolleys and mill auxiliary drives. Rectifier Operated Brakes are DC shunt brakes designed to operate from a brake rectifier controller as high-speed holding or stopping brakes on AC applications, such as cranes, conveyors, or movable bridges.
Spring set, electrically released, drum type friction brakes
Designed to meet AIST-NEMA standards
Corrosion resistant pins are standard on all brake sizes
Grease fittings are standard on 19", 23" and 30" brake sizes
Optional self-adjuster compensates for lining wear
Class 5010 Type F, Magnetic Drum Brakes Catalog
Class 5010 Type F, ECM Brake and Rectifier Catalog
Class 5010 Type F, Magnetic Drum Brakes Mill-Duty Brakes Product Sheet
Class 5010 Type F, Magnetic Drum Brakes Brake Wheel Order Form
Service Bulletins:
Class 5010, Service Bulletin, 8 inch to 23 inch Drum Brakes, Type F 5010-22
Class 5010, Service Bulletin, 30 inch Drum Brake, Type F 5010-17
Class 5010, Service Bulletin, 13 inch Drum Brake, Type F 5010-3